ремонт Игровой ПК HP OMEN 880 - Извлечение и замена системной памяти
119 комментариев
- @bilotto93
- 11 февраля в 13:07
Hi there, I have an OMEN by HP Desktop PC 880-p1xx (Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 3701 Mhz, 6 core) that currently have two 8 GB RAM sticks. Does it support two Crucial 32GB DDR4 3200MHz CL22? Otherwise, can I mix a 32GB and 8/16GB kit?
- @HPSupport
- 11 февраля в 13:15
Hi there, thanks for contacting HP Global Social Media Support!
I understand that you need to know about upgrading the memory of your computer.
I will do my best to assist you.
May I know the complete model number of your computer?
Please let us know!
HP Support
- @bilotto93
- 11 февраля в 17:54
@@HPSupport Model Serial Number: 5CC9200084
Model Name: OMEN by HP Desktop PC 880-p1xx
- @HPSupport
- 12 февраля в 08:24
Thanks for the reply.
Please refer 'Upgrade Memory Information' under the specification page to know about supported memory for your computer: https://hp.care/6051UWpTR
HP Support
- @ВерсальГедан
- 25 июня 2024 в 04:01
Лучше скажите как материнку поставить нормальную в ваш корпус? Почему у вас на копусе не заменяемая планка для разьёмов материнки а монолитная фрезерованная хуета, кто это придумал?
- @HPSupport
- 26 июня 2024 в 03:57
Спасибо, что обратились в службу поддержки HP в социальных сетях!
Я здесь, чтобы помочь!
В чем, по-видимому, проблема? У вас возникли какие-либо технические проблемы с компьютером HP?
Могу ли я узнать полный номер модели компьютера, который вы используете?
Дайте мне знать!
Поддержка HP
- @JTDesign1
- 13 февраля 2023 в 05:07
Seems that memory error code is pretty universal across all HP machines. I was adding new memory sticks to my HP Omen 880 recently and I got the dreaded 3 long beeps 2 short beeps error code. After my panic subsided, I got real close to the memory slots and gently but firmly pressed down on the securing clip side of the memory card, and suddenly it went in another mm or so and there was another 'click'. After that it worked like a charm. Those DIMM memory slots on the Tampa mb are poorly designed and take more effort than you'd think to seat them. When they first went in it did seem to click, but failed to seat, thus the error code.
The Tampa MB with the i7-8700K CPU came with 16GB (2-8GB cards) of memory, and there is much conflicting information on if it will support more than the published 32GB of memory. Short answer is YES. I just added 2-16GB cards to the 2-8GB cards and now have 48GB of RAM. Same speed of DIMM's but different sizes in the paired slots. So YES it will support 64GB.
- @HPSupport
- 14 февраля 2023 в 08:05
Hi John, thanks for contacting HP Global Social Media Support!
Thanks for sharing the steps that helped you!
If you need any help in the future, you can always get back to us.
Thank you for being a valuable HP customer.
Have a wonderful day!
Binu_HP Social Media Tech Support
- @saikaren1062
- 19 декабря 2021 в 12:25
i have a naples motherboard from omen can i set in new ramsticks at 3200mhz 32gb?
- @HPSupport
- 20 декабря 2021 в 12:21
+Saikaren Please refer 'Memory upgrade information' under the specification page to know about the supported memory: https://bit.ly/3Fekiyh
- @saikaren1062
- 21 декабря 2021 в 05:40
@@HPSupport but why only 2400mhz you diddn´t answer my question
- @miserykingdx
- 5 декабря 2021 в 03:32
I currently have 2 8gb ram sticks, one that came with the prebuilt pc at 2666mhz speed and one i purchased at 2400mhz speed. It says that my ram speed is only 2133mhz, why is this? I am thinking of upgrading to two 8gb ram sticks ddr4 at 3200mhz speed. Is this compatible with my pc or will it just stay at the speed 2133mhz? If so what is the best ram to upgrade to and how do i fix my problem?
- @HPSupport
- 6 декабря 2021 в 09:33
+Xen May I know the complete model number of your computer so that we can check the details for you?
- @hekhuu6620
- 27 июля 2021 в 04:05
hi there, i have a 880 130 model, what s the maximum RAM can be upgraded, which frequency is the best! thnks
- @HPSupport
- 1 августа 2021 в 10:08
+he khuu Please refer 'Memory upgrade information' under the specification page to know about the supported memory: https://bit.ly/3C6lMcw
- @SanicStudios
- 5 июля 2021 в 04:49
I replaced my RAM with higher clock speed modules and the system is still reading them as the old speed and because of the way you have locked down your BIOS settings it is impossible to change it. A warning on your site or on the motherboard specifications site would have been appreciated before I spent money on something that I can't use to its full potential. I don't understand what good locking down the BIOS does. People who are accessing the BIOS probably need to access it for a reason.
- @HPSupport
- 7 июля 2021 в 10:16
+SanicStudios Please perform updates via Windows and HP Support Assistant as mentioned below to fix this issue: Step 1 Windows Updates - 1) In the search box, type and open Windows Updates. 2) Check for updates. 3) If the updates are available, click on install and restart the computer. Step 2 HP Support Assistant Updates - 1) In the search box, type and open HP Support Assistant. 2) Check for updates. 3) If the updates are available, click on install and restart the computer.
- @TheUnknownGamer700
- 14 мая 2021 в 02:01
Do I need to set the ram speed in BIOS? See the bios on my PC doesn't seem to have an option to set XMP
- @HPSupport
- 22 мая 2021 в 03:51
+TheUnknown Gamer You can try AMD Ryzen Master (https://intel.ly/2ZCIaIO) software to play with memory settings.
The cost of overclocking may exceed the benefit; instability caused by high components temps.
- @DkKosta
- 15 января 2021 в 09:58
I currently have a HP Omen 880-p0xx, i7-7700 16GB RAM with HP 8308 motherboard installed. I would like to know what is the maximum RAM that I can upgrade too?
- @HPSupport
- 17 января 2021 в 01:06
+kos1234 May I know the complete model number of your computer so that we can check the details for you?
- @zulqq1
- 27 декабря 2020 в 10:23
I have a hp omen 880-101na and I would like to upgrade my ram by adding an extra stick could recommend a stick of ram to use thanks! And also what is the worst case scenario that could happen when upgrading ram?
- @HPSupport
- 28 декабря 2020 в 03:32
+Zulq Please refer 'Memory Upgrade Information' under the specification page to know about upgrading the memory: https://bit.ly/3nUKsNZ
- @adcat91
- 2 октября 2020 в 11:53
Bonjour j'ai un PC OMEN 880-194 nf, le même que le vôtre, apparemment il faut mettre une RAM micron, j'ai 8 GO de RAM et j'aimerai mettre 8 GO de plus, qu'elle modèle mettez-vous sur la vidéo ? car je ne l'ai pas trouvé et j'ai peur de me tromper je m'y connais vraiment pas beaucoup, merci par avance, cordialement, melle Adine catherine
- @HPSupport
- 4 октября 2020 в 11:56
+adine cathy QUEEN' FREDDIE MERCURY' thanks for reaching out. The support here is in English only. If you could post back in English, I'd be glad to help? If in case you need support in your language, I'd recommend you to refer our localized channel link: http://www.youtube.com/user/hpsupportfrancais
- @HPSupport
- 24 сентября 2020 в 02:46
+Jayden T If you are not experiencing any issues, please do not reset the bios.
- @faded5106
- 25 августа 2020 в 12:47
I have a HP OMEN pc and I wanted to add another 16 gbs but it won’t fit it’s a hyperactive fury what can I do?
- @HPSupport
- 25 августа 2020 в 12:56
+Not Faded May I know the complete model number of your computer so that we can check the details for you?
- @HPSupport
- 20 августа 2020 в 01:17
+Jayden T May I know the complete model number of your computer so that we can check the details for you?
- @lucky2859
- 10 сентября 2020 в 04:39
HP Support hey ty for the help I found out it’s DDR 4 l love my omen pc
- @HPSupport
- 6 июля 2020 в 12:09
+RawrTV You can purchase the part from here: http://partsurfer.hp.com/ Please select your country and enter serial or product number of your unit.
- @khalifaalkhoori2114
- 23 мая 2020 в 05:22
Hello, I have HP omen 800-108 NE it came with 4x 8gb ( 32 GB RAM ) can I replace these with 4x16 GB RAM ( 64 GB RAM )
- @HPSupport
- 25 мая 2020 в 06:12
+khalifa alkhoori Please refer 'Memory upgrade information' from the specification Page to get this information: https://bit.ly/2WYQ7aD
- @rubayatkhan8439
- 1 мая 2020 в 10:55
Hi, I have an HP OMEN 880-023d, and at pc startup, i get 3 slow beeps followed by 2 fast beeps. I don't know what to do, since no fixes worked and it's been a year
- @HPSupport
- 3 мая 2020 в 09:20
+Rubayat Khan Please follow the guidelines under this document to fix this issue: https://bit.ly/2VXHrkf
- @mahnoyaguilarmarquez8977
- 20 апреля 2020 в 07:12
So I have an HP 880-181 and want to to replace my ram with 2x 8gb, but I can't figure out what frequency it supports. The site says it supports 2400mhz, but when I look at the frequency my current stick runs at it says 2666mhz. What does this mean?
- @HPSupport
- 21 апреля 2020 в 02:20
+Mahnoy Aguilar Marquez Please refer 'Memory upgrade information' from the specification page to get this information: https://bit.ly/2KnpQeV
- @mahnoyaguilarmarquez8977
- 22 апреля 2020 в 11:23
The HP 880-181 has the Tampa2 MoBo. The site says it supports up to 2400mhz DDR4. Somehow the ram stick that came with the PC was able to run at 2666mhz, so I thought I could buy a set of sticks with the same frequency . Turns out the PC downclocks the new sticks to 2111, below the advertised speeds. There's no way to enable XMP on the 880-181, because the Tampa2 MoBo has a locked BIOS.
- @mahnoyaguilarmarquez8977
- 22 апреля 2020 в 12:28
I'll be trying out different sticks with the same specs as the one that came with the 181, made by Micron (model: mta8atf1g64az-2g6h1).
That one is 8gb 2666mhz at CL-19.
I doubt anything other than that exact ram stick would work at 2666mhz, which is why I plan to buy another pair of sticks with 2400mhz and CL19. These should work.
- @Rockiee77
- 31 марта 2020 в 03:34
Hello, I have a HP OMEN 880-147nz and want to upgrade the Ram to 16 X 2 (32GB), will this ram "16GB, DDR4-2400, DIMM 288" work on the PC? currently the system shows installed ram is "8GB Kingston 2667MHz" X 2 (in two slots), Many thanks in advance.
- @HPSupport
- 1 апреля 2020 в 05:58
+Kalpesh Arya Please refer 'Memory upgrade information' from the specification page to know about upgrading memory: https://bit.ly/2xJ0wgA