ремонт Игровой ПК HP OMEN 880 - Удаление и замена видеокарты
128 комментариев
- @unhatedthingsihate1099
- 17 ноября 2024 в 10:46
Can this system GPU simply upgrade Rtx4060 founders would support the other components on the graphics card?
- @HPSupport
- 17 ноября 2024 в 02:44
Hallo, vielen Dank, dass Sie sich an den HP Global Social Media Support gewandt haben!
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HP Kundendienst
- @unhatedthingsihate1099
- 17 ноября 2024 в 10:46
Kann man dieses System GPU einfach Upgraden Rtx4060 founders würde die anderen Komponenten die Grafikkarte unterstützen?
- @AcousticJuice93
- 5 января 2023 в 11:44
Will an MSI GeForce RTX 3060 Ti VENTUS 2X 8G OCV1 LHR, 8GB or other 3060Ti cards fit into this pc?
- @HPSupport
- 6 января 2023 в 11:49
Hi Jack, thanks for contacting HP Global Social Media Support!
I understand that you need to know about compatible graphics card for your computer.
I will do my best to assist you.
This computer has two PCI Express x16 physical slots (Gen 3.0), each slot with x8 bus lanes.
So you can add graphics card that supports this slots.
Binu_HP Social Media Tech Support
- @thisismiked
- 28 ноября 2022 в 08:33
Hi HP support. What video card could I upgrade my HP Omen 880-p1xx (130) with? Currently has a GTX 1080 ti
- @HPSupport
- 29 ноября 2022 в 10:57
Hi there, thanks for contacting HP Global Social Media Support!
I understand that you need to know about upgrading the video card of your computer.
I will do my best to assist you.
The graphics card on your computer is already a most capable, high-end gaming graphics card. Good enough to play virtually any game at 1440p at Ultra Graphics settings. Use the HP Parts surfer to identify the part if you still need to upgrade the video card: http://partsurfer.hp.com/search.aspx
Binu - Social Media Tech Support
- @HPSupport
- 25 ноября 2022 в 01:14
Hi Chris, thanks for contacting HP Global Social Media Support!
I understand that you need to know whether GeForce RTX 3080 fit in HP OMEN 880 Gaming PC
I will do my best to assist you.
You need to specify the exact model of HP 880 ! The card must be able to fit (length). Some of those RTX 3080 can be 11 inches long. Can you get an 4.3" x 11.5" piece of heavy cardboard to fit ? How long is your GTX 1070 ? What are you wanting to play ?
Binu - Social Media Tech Support
- @samuelodermatt3358
- 2 июля 2023 в 12:14
did it work, i want to upgrade my pc aswell and i have a 1080 gtx now
- @creationartstudio12
- 17 октября 2022 в 10:48
Hello HP support, please I need your answer, I have HP Omen 880-072NF with GTX 1070 and I want to upgrade it to RTX 3060, will it fit inside the case? Thanks
- @HPSupport
- 18 октября 2022 в 01:36
Hi there, thanks for contacting HP Global Social Media Support!
I understand that you need to know about upgrading the graphics card of your computer.
I will do my best to assist you.
This computer has One PCIe x16 (GEN3) slot and One PCIe x4 (GEN3) slot.
So you can add graphics card that supports these slots.
Binu - Social Media Tech Support
- @felipedelbosque1
- 21 мая 2022 в 02:20
Hello, my 880comes with a GTX1080, can I upgrade it to a RTX3080?
- @HPSupport
- 22 мая 2022 в 10:19
+felipe del bosque May I know the complete model number of your computer?
- @felipedelbosque1
- 22 мая 2022 в 11:54
@@HPSupport sure.
OMEN PC 880-105ne
Procesador Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz 3.70 GHz
RAM 32.0 GB
GPU GTX 1080
- @samuelodermatt3358
- 18 апреля 2024 в 12:46
@@felipedelbosque1i habe the same pc, pls tell me if it worked, i want to do the same
- @Gaz86JPN
- 20 января 2022 в 03:25
Hi HP Support, I have the OMEN 880 with the 2080ti in it, I was considering upgrading to a 6900XT but the card thickness looks like the GFX_PWR1 connector might be in the way. It's not clear what this connector is for but would removing it and powering the GFX from the ATX PSU alone be enough?
- @HPSupport
- 20 января 2022 в 11:31
+Gaz JPN HP does not recommend upgrading or downgrading hardware parts or software that is bundled with the product as It may affect the manufacturer's warranty and performance, however, you could change the configuration at your own discretion.
- @viyscer4042
- 10 ноября 2020 в 11:26
i wanted to ask if a graphics card with these dimensions 28.00 x 12.00 x 4.00 cm would fit in my hp omen 880-118na
- @HPSupport
- 11 ноября 2020 в 10:09
+Viyscer This computer has two PCI Express x16 physical slots (Gen 3.0), each slot with x8 bus lanes. So you can add graphics card that supports this slot.
- @zulqq1
- 27 октября 2020 в 12:08
i have a hp omen 880-101na and a 1060 3gb if i upgrade say to a gtx 1070ti that needs an 8 pin connector however my 1060 only needed a 6 will there be a 8 pin connector
- @HPSupport
- 28 октября 2020 в 08:55
+Psycho HP does not recommend upgrading or downgrading hardware parts or software that is bundled with the product as It may affect the manufacturer's warranty and performance, however, you could change the configuration at your own discretion.
- @HPSupport
- 22 октября 2020 в 01:40
+Walter I am glad to know that the video has helped you fix the issue.
- @6548ww
- 22 октября 2020 в 06:19
I will be pulling my RTX 2080 ti that came with my Omen 880-191 and putting the new RTX 3080 as soon as I can get my hands on one the 2080 ti runs way too hot for my taste
- @RamonGuthrie
- 12 апреля 2020 в 03:02
On the HP ENVY Phoenix 860-009na can i upgrade my 980ti to a 2070 super?
- @rlhighlightreel894
- 20 декабря 2019 в 09:47
I have a gtx 1070 and i7 7800 or something 16gb ram and power supply says can’t exceed 420 w would it be fine if i add another 1070
- @pantgonzo
- 2 декабря 2019 в 04:25
My graphics card isn’t like that. Mines like skinny and red and has one tiny fan on it.
- @georgekendall1065
- 29 ноября 2019 в 03:58
i have this same system what graphic card brands are compatible
- @HPSupport
- 1 декабря 2019 в 03:43
+George Kendall May I know the complete model number of your HP omen computer so that we can check the details for you?
- @HPSupport
- 27 октября 2019 в 06:06
+M45T3R A 2070 RTX should be fine, but you need to make sure of two things.
1. That is is enough room to fit the size of the card to the area of the mini case if you have two expansion slots on the back of the case available.
2. You need at least a 500w Power Supply with an 8 pin connector. If your psu does not have an 8 pin, you will have to replace it with
- @TheUnknownGamer700
- 18 августа 2019 в 12:12
So will an RTX 2060 card work for this system? My hp omen has a 500W Bronze power supply
- @HPSupport
- 18 августа 2019 в 10:03
+TheUnknown Gamer A 2060 RTX should be fine, but you need to make sure of two things.
1. That is is enough room to fit the size of the card to the area of the mini case if you have two expansion slots on the back of the case available.
2. You need at least a 500w Power Supply with an 8 pin connector. If your psu does not have an 8 pin, you will have to replace it with another ATX PSU. Yours came with a 500w psu, but I dont know if it has the connector. You will have to look it.
Is that what you needed to know?
- @TheUnknownGamer700
- 19 августа 2019 в 12:14
@@HPSupport Well I looked at a gtx 1070 (which is what I currently have) has an 8 pin connector am I correct?
- @samuelodermatt3358
- 2 июля 2023 в 12:17
did it work, i need to replace my 1080 with a better graficscard
- @FernFolf1
- 12 декабря 2019 в 02:11
@@HPSupport would the power supply need to be upgraded for such a power-hungry card?
- @spoder1559
- 14 марта 2019 в 07:50
Hello hp
I have a omen 880 167-nz with a 1060 3gb and I want to changing for a rtx 2060 is it possible?
- @HPSupport
- 17 марта 2019 в 04:45
+spoder155 I do believe that it would work but you may need to change your cooling system to a stronger one which is not usually that $$