revisión 1More Quad Driver In-Ear Auriculares - Revisión!
66 comentarios
- @johnforster1963
- 16 mayo 2024 en 06:29
watch out, 1 more are scammers, i bought the penta driver came faulty, they will not respond to any emails, been trying since February very dodgy website 1 more . keep well away from them
- @mosa8311
- 6 mayo 2022 en 08:12
Are you still recommend it for details worthy clear high quality music or another one ..
- @AskDaveTaylor
- 6 mayo 2022 en 12:30
I still have these, I still listen to music with these, and I still enjoy the experience. I also have other headphones. 🙂
- @mosa8311
- 6 mayo 2022 en 12:46
Thanks for you
What is your opinion about earfun free pro 2
1MORE E1010 Quad Driver In-Ear .. or Earfun free pro 2
Which one is better for music?
- @mosa8311
- 7 mayo 2022 en 02:44
Another question
1more quad driver or soundmagic e80c
How much is the difference between both?
- @umbertofurlan501
- 5 diciembre 2020 en 06:10
Mate you didn't say anything about their sound neither you mentioned the differences between quad and triple. What kind of review is this? Plus you only tried plugging them directly on devices without using a proper DAC. Sorry but this is a big Thumb down
- @AskDaveTaylor
- 5 diciembre 2020 en 08:15
Haha. Was I supposed to chop out one of the drivers or transducers so I could experience the "triple" driver sound? These are what they are, so I talked about the sound reproduction. And if you are only listening when you have a DAC in line, you're one of a very small percentage of audio gear owners like the 1More Quad Driver headphones. I assure everyone else that they sound delightful without any DAC, amp or other gear in-line. Just plug 'em in and enjoy.
- @umbertofurlan501
- 5 diciembre 2020 en 08:30
@@AskDaveTaylor the differences between the two models. No problem mate I just saw a complete review on that.
- @umbertofurlan501
- 5 diciembre 2020 en 10:52
@@AskDaveTaylor man, I was a little unhappy with the lack of information and I took my frustration out on you. I apologize
- @AskDaveTaylor
- 6 diciembre 2020 en 05:24
No worries. Thanks for the apology. YouTube can be a pretty wild place in the comments area! :-)
- @yodhamheaven
- 9 agosto 2019 en 10:06
what about akg k3003.. i have this quad driver i just want to know if akg is mile better? should i upgrade to akg 3003 if price doesnt matter or should i stick with quad driver
- @AskDaveTaylor
- 18 diciembre 2018 en 05:31
"First Listen". Not "review". But hey, be critical, it sounds like your thing.
- @jsoundsonline
- 1 abril 2018 en 02:02
Purchased these. They are the best sound I have heard from headphones
- @AskDaveTaylor
- 20 diciembre 2017 en 04:20
Glad you know my business better than I do. They didn't pay me a dime - not even enough to buy one downloaded track from iTunes. Don't make assumptions, "Centurion".
- @joevete4384
- 18 diciembre 2017 en 06:45
Please take this as positive criticism. Your review is sort of puzzling to me because you go on and on about these IEMs, their packaging, the 3.5mm plug, etc., all the things that really don't matter... and yet when it comes to the sound quality which is of supreme importance, all you have to say is that "these headphones sound really good". Do you know what else sounds really good? My $15 KZ-ATEs (for the price they sound fantastic), but obviously I am looking for a little more info than that if I am willing to shell out $200 for IEMs, and the whole purpose of watching a review is to gain valuable knowledge and insight as to a particular IEM's SOUND QUALITY, knowledge and insight that your video is sorely lacking. The irony is that your video is titled "First Listen!" and yet you provide no information about the listening experience. Please do try to improve on this point next time. Please focus your future IEM reviews on SOUND QUALITY!!!
- @AskDaveTaylor
- 18 diciembre 2017 en 09:11
A fair criticism. Fact is, if you can't listen to headphones, you're stuck with the subjective bias of someone else. Is my hearing like yours? Do we listen for the same things in the same music? Do you enjoy a grand soundstage where I prefer a very intimate feel to my music? But yeah, I could have talked a bit more about the sound reproduction. :-)
- @wordartalphabet963
- 4 octubre 2017 en 08:22
Anyone Suggest Me Please Which Earphone is Best for Sony Walkman A25 Hiresolution Mp3 Player?
- @hyroproto4364
- 21 agosto 2017 en 05:38
WTF ? A Review of an IEM without saying how they sound ???? Hows the bass, Treble (Is the Highs fatiguing), Is the Mids forward or back ? Is the sound signature laid back or aggressive ? hows the sound stage ? Hows the imaging ? What the hell dude ? Pls dont call it a review... Just unbox the damn thing & call it an unboxing.... This is neither an unboxing nor a review..... If you are doing a review of an IEM, everyone wants to know about how the damn thing sound..... Wasted our time
- @AskDaveTaylor
- 21 agosto 2017 en 10:44
Sorry I don't use all the fancy terminology you prefer. Most regular folk have no idea what a "sound stage" is or what "imaging" refers to. But you keep on your fancy ways and good luck to you.
- @JosephRossaiElenor
- 17 agosto 2017 en 05:29
I agree with everything Micah has said. People came here looking for information to help them decide if they should spend nearly $200 on a set of earbuds. I see in one of your comments below that you say "I don't use all the fancy, flowery words to try and make myself sound like a sound engineer"... Describing levels of "Bass" and "Treble" don't need to utilize jargon. In fact, "Bass" and "Treble" are the non-technical terms for low and high frequencies. All we expected was to hear some description of the quality of the sound. Don't be upset because people criticize your video (which has the term "Audiophile" in the title) for not reviewing the sound quality in a way that we (people who spend this kind of money on audio gear) can relate to. To be honest, this video felt like cheap advertising from 1MORE and it makes me wonder if I want one of their products after all. P.S. I hope they read these comments.
- @AskDaveTaylor
- 17 agosto 2017 en 12:57
Fair enough, that's your opinion and you're obviously welcome to it. And if this makes you not want to buy a product that I review favorably, but without the words and phrases you seek, well, then perhaps you're not my audience.
- @TechMuchHD
- 20 agosto 2017 en 02:35
Dave Taylor he has a point. Jeseph I'm talking about. Why put audiophile in your title if your not really reviewing the product as a audiophile review would be expected to the least?
- @zorbyss
- 6 agosto 2017 en 03:07
Detailed description of the accessories and the earphones. But when it comes to the sound "THESE JUST SOUND REALLY GOOD". Thats all......?
- @AskDaveTaylor
- 6 agosto 2017 en 05:20
I am not a pretentious audiophile nerd so I don't use all the fancy, flowery words to try and make myself sound like a sound engineer. I just call it as I see it, or, in this case, as I hear it.
- @wilsondeng2116
- 30 junio 2017 en 11:53
how well does the 1more quad driver work with the LG v20's HI-FI quad DAC?
- @AskDaveTaylor
- 1 julio 2017 en 01:07
Hopefully a viewer who has tried it can answer, but I would assume that it'd be pretty fantastic if you don't turn the volume up too much; two DACs in line should should pretty darn sweet...
- @freepagan
- 8 junio 2017 en 05:31
Hey, thanks for the review!
Question about the mic. Is the sound clear during phone calls? Or is any static heard?
- @EnriqueReyes
- 16 septiembre 2018 en 04:49
How did your testing of the mic go? I am interested in sound quality for my callers during calls.
- @alecpost
- 17 mayo 2017 en 09:28
Personally, I didn't really find this useful as a review. Just saying "they sound really good" isn't appropriate for this type of product as it would be more useful to go into detail about their sound. I'm still wondering if the highs sound sharp or tinny, and if so at what volume? What is the low end presence like? What is their sound signature like? Are they comfortable in the ear? Do they stay in the ear well or do they tend to fall out? How easy are they to drive without and amp, say from a computer or phone?
- @AskDaveTaylor
- 17 mayo 2017 en 10:39
If the highs were tinny, I would have said so. If the lows were muddy or missing, I'd have said so. You have your criteria, I don't state everything every time because that'd be rather dull...
- @alecpost
- 18 mayo 2017 en 12:01
Still though, I don't think it's fair to assume that the viewer will know that right off the bat. And I also think describing the sound is expected in reviews of headphones. But hey, that's just my piece.
- @AskDaveTaylor
- 18 mayo 2017 en 12:03
But I do describe the sound, Alec. I don't use the audiophile buzzwords and I don't have a fancy oscilloscope or something to analyze the waveform produced or whatever, but I definitely call it when I have headphones or other audio gear that isn't producing decent sound. See my most recent review of the V4INK TEANA wireless headphones, for example.
- @alecpost
- 18 mayo 2017 en 12:10
I still can't agree with you on that Dave. I still think a detailed description would be beneficial. But I suppose it's just a difference of opinion on what should be included and excluded in a product review.