reparaturen Acer Revo One RL85 - Demontage, RAM Aktualisierung, Festplatte SSD Aktualisierung
107 kommentare
- @f1remandg
- 17 Dezember 2024 in 01:56
Very Good clear no nonsense, does what it says on the tin video!
- @robertray1789
- 16 September 2024 in 06:20
Got one of these revos, with 8.1 on it. what would i need to convert to windows 10, any advise would be grateful, brill tutorial by the way. 10 out of ten.
- @JimHawkwind03411
- 20 August 2024 in 09:10
Can I remove the heatsink, so that I can apply some fresh thermal paste?
- @charliemarshall6251
- 13 Oktober 2023 in 11:57
Clear and easy to understand, with warnings of pitfalls. Excellent, Keep up the good work
- @bobski4391
- 30 November 2022 in 10:17
I remember watching this video years ago because I've got this computer, a couple of months ago my battery went and I needed to know how to change it although your video doesn't show that I managed to strip it down with confidence, thanks for that. In case anyone else has to do this I struggled getting a battery but managed to find one in Germany, it cost just over £7.50 including delivery
- @DavidHarry
- 2 Dezember 2022 in 09:29
Hi Bob. I'm glad the tear down was helpful for you to find the battery. Cheers, Dave.
- @djp2k7
- 5 Mai 2023 in 05:19
I've still got this PC, running Win 10. My CMOS battery has also gone, but a fair few months ago, but have been limping on with it being turned on at the mains most of the time. I need to find out what battery it is to replace it too. I'm guessing that it's a CR2032 in plastic casing, with wire coming from it?
- @MrPinhead66
- 4 Juni 2022 in 12:59
my biggest complaint is why acer did not include full upgradability by missing out one of the sata connectors on the mb
- @philrogers1758
- 2 Mai 2022 in 03:33
what do you think about a revamp after being submerged in water ?
- @gaxx2121
- 8 April 2022 in 04:52
Very useful the BIOS battery on my Revo One appears to have died I couldn`t remember how to get the cover off and was trying to prise it off, this saved me doing damage thanks.
- @traceymitchell6619
- 26 Januar 2022 in 08:00
Thanks for the tutorial. This wee machine has been running fab for years and although I should probably replace it just because of it's age, I can't bring myself to do it so going to upgrade it instead. Shame Acer don't make these anymore.
- @chrismulley73
- 11 April 2021 in 10:14
Hi Dave great video by the question is how do add the two hard drives in the caddy one is easy but the other one has flat pins and nothing to connect to????
- @grahambunting8867
- 9 Dezember 2020 in 06:57
Nice video BUT... Can the processor be changed on the Acer Revo One RL85 mini PC
I have the Celeron but I would like to replace it with the i3 or i5.... Can this be done. ?
Regards Graham.
- @Marien987
- 8 November 2020 in 06:04
Comparising the two cables on the WIFI-card with my two Revo One RL85's: the cables are twisted! Does it matter? Mine are working fine.
- @tehsinakram4694
- 8 Juli 2020 in 05:23
Hello Mr. Harry, thank you very much! I used your video to do a successful SSD upgrade. On a different note, what kind of Internet download/upload speeds did you get on your RL85 using the built-in ethernet card (RealTek PCIe GbE Family Controller)? I am getting about 20 Mbps download speeds (about 8 Mbps upload), whereas I get around 250 Mbps on my new laptop when I connect it to the same gigabit switch (not hub) connected to a router/modem with gigabit internet plan. I was expecting much better results considering RL85's ethernet card is gigabit. I've tried the latest drivers from RealTek with no improvements. I haven't been able to do a proper LAN speed test but I've tried various internet speed boost suggestions such as changing Netsh settings, changed DNS setting, etc. I wanted some input from you (or others) before reinstalling Windows.
- @DavidHarry
- 8 Juli 2020 in 07:04
Hi Tehsin. I no longer have this computer but from memory there was never an issue with its wireless speeds with my broadband at the time. The broadband was 20Mbs up and about 200Mbs down. I know the Acer was hitting the maximum upload because I used it for a while as a FTP and PLEX video server and for uploading my YouTube videos. I can't remember its download speeds but it was fast and allowed me to stream 4K video. The LAN socket was always full speed, around 90-100MBs, I used this all the time with the Acer as it was also connected to local LAN storage. Sorry I can't help any further, I hope you find a fix for your speeds. Cheers, Dave.
- @tehsinakram4694
- 8 Juli 2020 in 08:28
@@DavidHarry Thank you very much for your kind and helpful response. 👍👍
- @atlaschallenger
- 31 Mai 2020 in 11:53
Thanks for this, David. I needed to replace the CMOS battery and you showed me the right way in. Great work.
- @guillaumeparent7695
- 21 August 2020 in 06:49
I am trying to find the CMOS battery but I can't see it in the video. Any idea?
- @atlaschallenger
- 21 August 2020 in 07:55
@@guillaumeparent7695 Hi, the CMOS battery is under the main fan assembly plate which is secured by FOUR screws to the board underneath. I have a good photo but can't add it to this reply in YT.
- @guillaumeparent7695
- 21 August 2020 in 01:17
@@atlaschallenger thank you Paul. I will have a look. That's really nice from you